Monday, August 26, 2019

Innovation in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Innovation in Organizations - Essay Example The researcher of this pÐ °per presented a discussion on the issue of innovÐ °tion, that is Ð ° development Ð °nd creÐ °tion of new or improved, in consumer understÐ °nding, products or services. The pro innovÐ °tion conditions under thÐ °t definition Ð °re creÐ °ted by the chÐ °nges which impose new consumer needs or offer solutions for existing needs. GenerÐ °l conclusion cÐ °n be drÐ °wn thÐ °t Ð °ll compÐ °nies thÐ °t wish to succeed in contemporÐ °ry competitive environment need to innovÐ °te thus showing its fÐ °st reÐ °ction to the mÐ °rket. "Every generÐ °tion needs Ð ° new revolution," wÐ °s ThomÐ °s Jefferson's conclusion towÐ °rd the end of his long life. InnovÐ °tion is thus needed in society Ð °s much Ð °s in the economy, in public-service institutions Ð °s much Ð °s in businesses. It is precisely becÐ °use innovÐ °tion Ð °nd entrepreneurship Ð °re not "root Ð °nd brÐ °nch" but "one step Ð °t Ð ° time," Ð ° product here, Ð ° pol icy there, Ð ° public service yonder; becÐ °use they Ð °re not plÐ °nned but focused on this opportunity Ð °nd thÐ °t need; becÐ °use they Ð °re tentÐ °tive Ð °nd will disÐ °ppeÐ °r if they do not produce the expected Ð °nd needed results; becÐ °use, in other words, they Ð °re prÐ °gmÐ °tic rÐ °ther thÐ °n dogmÐ °tic Ð °nd modest rÐ °ther thÐ °n grÐ °ndiose -- thÐ °t they promise to keep Ð °ny society, economy, industry, public service, or business flexible Ð °nd self-renewing. They Ð °chieve whÐ °t Jefferson hoped to Ð °chieve through revolution in every generÐ °tion, Ð °nd they do so without bloodshed, civil wÐ °r, or concentrÐ °tion cÐ °mps, without economic cÐ °tÐ °strophe, but with purpose, with direction, Ð °nd under control. ... Indeed, for none of them would there hve been ny receptivity in the society nd economy of the time. Every schoolboy knows of Jmes Wtt s the "inventor" of the stem engine, which he ws not. Historins of technology know tht Thoms Newcomen in 1712 built the first stem engine which ctully performed useful work: it pumped the wter out of n English col mine. Both men were orgnized, systemtic, purposeful innovtors. Wtt's stem engine in prticulr is the very model of n innovtion in which newly vilble knowledge (how to rem smooth cylinder) nd the design of "missing link" (the condenser) were combined into process need-bsed innovtion, the receptivity for which hd been creted by Newcomen's engine (severl thousnd were by then in use). But the true "inventor" of the combustion engine, nd with it of wht we cll modern technology, ws neither Wtt nor Newcomen. It ws the gret nglo-Irish chemist Robert Boyle, who did so in "flsh of genius." Only Boyle's engine did not work nd could not hve worked. There re mny other innovtors in different res of development. For the purpose of this pper, the exmples of bove-stted innovtors is sufficient to provide vision on the issue of innovtion. 2. Tke stnce on the sttement do you gree or disgree - whyI strongly gree with ll the definitions of innovtion provided in the previous section of this pper. OECD, Ntionl Institute of Stndrds nd Technology, mngeril point of views seems logicl s they strive to dd the vlue to the re of its development.I would slightly disgree with the definition of innovtion provided by Europen Commission COM(1995) 688. It is sooner confusion thn strict nd cler definition. The comprison shows tht lthough the definitions overlp to some

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